Thursday, March 18, 2010

CUS AGM This Week!!!

Shalom brothers and sisters in Christ..

You are all invited to participate in the CUS Annual General Meeting this Friday.. ;)

Date: 19 March 2010
Venue: BT150, DKU building upstairs.
Time: 12.30 pm. (Be punctual ya!! )


1.0 Perlantikan Setiausaha Sementara

2.0 Ucapan Yang Dipertua 2009/2010

3.0 Ucapan Penasihat Persatuan

4.0 Pembentangan Minit Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan 2009/2010

(oleh penolong setiausaha)

5.0 Pembentangan dan Pengesahan Laporan aktiviti Tahunan

2009/2010 (oleh setiausaha)

6.0 Pembentangan dan Pengesahan Laporan Perbelanjaan dan

Kewangan 2009/2010 (oleh bendahari)

7.0 Maklum Balas daripada Ahli Persatuan

8.0 Pembubaran EXCO Sidang 2009/2010

9.0 Perlantikan EXCO Sidang 2010/2011

10.0 Pengikraran Barisan Exco Sidang 2010/2011

11.0 Ucapan Yang Dipertua 2010/2011

12.0 Tamat

So, don't hesitate to come and you can bring your Catholic friends along too ya.. God bless!!! ;)

PS: Please wear formal or at least semi-formal attire to this AGM.. Thank you!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Outreach-ing the Children at St Joseph Home..

6th March 2010...

11 of the CUS members, namely Stephanie, Meredith, Juslin, Elizabeth, Marcela, Esteranza, Natalia, Duke, Mellisa, Man Lee, Maureen along with Anne Beatrice, our Campus Minister,- arrived at St Joseph Children Home, located at Upper Penang road, at around 1.45 pm.

It was a sunny afternoon, hot and greasy, but that did not bother us that much as what excites us more was the activities that are going to be done!

The children gave us a warm welcome upon arrival, and a number of them were the students of one of our CUS member, Mellisa, as she was doing her practical at a high school in Penang at the moment. Imagine the students' happy faces when their teacher came to play with them, instead of teaching them formally at school!

Lis and her students!!

We spent our time sing-along and playing games with them, and Marcela was the MC of the day! Juslin, on the other hand, was the guitarist. We sang a number of songs with them before proceeding with the activities planned for them. ;)

We had three activities with them, namely:
1) Origami
2) Bola
3) Teka aksi kawan

It was fun spending time with the energetic kids.

Well, I guess words won't convince enough as pictures could so here I present all of you with the pictures we had taken during our memorable visit!! :')

Marce, Juslin and Man Lee with the lovable kids!!

The two role models for children.. ;)

During the third game - Teka aksi kawan!

The musician and the MC of the day!!

They really love the kids!!

Take 1: Candid camera! hehe..

and finally, take 2: Everybody was in position.

It was a memorable experience for all of us. The kids had touched us - instead of us touching them with our outreach.

It was one experience which we may always look back to, and which we are going to look forward too in the future.


Sunday, March 7, 2010


Every year, the Catholic Undergraduate Society of USM Minden will hold an annual dinner to bid farewell to the seniors and also for the students from different campuses to gather together. For this year (2010) CUS will hold this annual dinner again, and it falls on the 27th of March 2010. Make yourself free that night and prepare yourself for this grand event. For this year's CUS Nite, the theme will be... TA DAA~!

"A Night in Paradise"

Do dress according to the theme so that it will be merrier and fun. No restriction to colour, and use your creativity to attend this event. Below are the information about this event:

Date: 27th March 2010
Venue: Cititel Hotel, Upper Penang Road
Time: 7 till 11pm
Theme: A Night in Paradise
Fee: RM50

For USM Minden students, transportation will be provided. SO what are you waiting for? For those who are confirmed joining, please submit your payment (RM50) a.s.a.p to the names below:

Marcela Pimid:019-5290708
Chai Cheng Yee :014-9054247
Maureen Chua :016-8956911

or to any CUS excos nearby you.. ;)